What is a Qualified Opportunity Fund?

A qualified Opportunity Fund must be certified by the U.S. Treasury Department. Qualified Opportunity Funds must be organized as a corporation or partnership for the purpose of investing in designated Opportunity Zone Property and/or businesses. The qualified Opportunity Fund must hold at least 90% of its assets in designated Opportunity Zone Property.

To become a Qualified Opportunity Fund, an eligible corporation or partnership can self-certify by filing Form 8996 “Qualified Opportunity Fund” with its federal income tax return.

Why invest in Qualified Opportunity Funds?

Qualified Opportunity Funds allow investors to defer paying federal taxes on any recent capital gains until December 31, 2026, reduce tax payments on those gains by up to 15% if held for at least 7 years, and pay zero taxes on potential new profits from an investment in an Opportunity Fund if the investment is held for 10 years.
Opportunity Zone tax graphic

Join the #1 Network to Discover and Invest in Qualified Opportunity Funds

Opportunity Zone Deal Flow

What is the RFC Deal Flow Network?

Rocco Forino Capital is the #1 deal flow network that matches family offices and wealth
managers with experienced and highly Qualified Opportunity Funds.

QOF Deal Flow

Opportunity Zone Investment Analysis

Investment Analysis

Heat Mapping

Opportunity Zone Community Ranking

OZ Ranking

   Family Office Deal Flow

1. Build hyper Focused deal flow of vetted Qualified Opportunity Funds. Our platform will match you with high-quality deals that precisely meet your exact investment niche and geographic preferences.
2. Only family offices can initiate contact with Qualified Opportunity Funds and direct businesses for further due diligence and investment inquiries.
3. The RFC Deal Flow platform is FREE to verified ultra-high net-worth and family office investors.
California's Top Opportunity Zones
Request Investor Access

Qualified Opportunity Funds Benefits:

1. Over 1,000 professional family offices and wealth managers seeking to invest in Qualified Opportunity Funds.
Total AUM of Family Office

All Investor’s projected assets under
management total over $1 Trillion dollars

Family Office minimum Assets under management

Average assets under management 
is $800 Million dollars

Average minimum assets under 
management $20 Million dollars
2. Position your firm directly in front of family
offices seeking to invest in Opportunity Fund Deals.
3. Raise more capital from HNW wealth management
firms and family office institutions than on any other network.
4. Get the # 1 Book on how to effectively raise
capital from family offices and wealth managers.
Family Office Deal Size by dollar value

Top 10 Tips for Raising Capital From Family Offices

 Qualified Opportunity Funds listed on this platform is by invitation only.

Request invitation for QOF evaluation

       Benefits to Opportunity Zone Communities:

1 Advertise the Top 500 Opportunity Zones** badge on your community’s website to market your  Opportunity Zones as a low risk high quality investment option. 

2.  Create community Engagement.  Build a video profile of the community’s greatest needs so investors and fund managers can become familiar with the community and build solutions to solve these needs. Request RFC to create a video profile. 

Opportunity Zone community

3.  Transparency. Track who is investing in your  OZ community and the types of investments being planned. 

  • Measure amount of capital scheduled to be deployed to each census tract
  • Track new business starts as well as businesses receiving funding
  • Track the number of full time non-construction jobs created
  • Measure investments by dollar value and percentage assigned to each asset class
  • Track total investments to date

4. Measurement.  Use the OZ deal flow platform
to track and measure impact with the heat
mapping and analytical tools.

Florida's Top Opportunity Zones

5. Get the #1 Book that instructs communities how to attract investors and entrepreneurs and build successful Opportunity Zones.

For Opportunity Zones that qualify

Request Access to the Platform

Benefits to businesses located in an Opportunity Zone:

1. List your business or real estate asset on the platform and become visible to Qualified Opportunity Funds and investors seeking investment deals.
2. Be the first to be discovered by Qualified Opportunity Funds ready to invest in your community.
3. Discover and connect with like-minded businesses and build a business ecosystem in your Opportunity Zone community.
4. Get the #1 book on on how to raise capital for your Opportunity Zone business or real estate developement project.
Texas Top Opportunity Zones
Request Access to the Platform

Click on the # 1 Book

  Frequently Asked Questions 

Family Office Questions

How much does it cost to join the Rocco Forino Capital Deal Flow Network?
Access to the RFC deal flow network is free to family offices and wealth managers who certify with our network.
What Makes our Family Office Deal Flow network for OZ Funds Different?
We vet Opportunity Funds far beyond the self-certification process. Our database of Qualified Opportunity Funds is by invitation only. All Opportunity Funds listed on our platform must meet our screening process in order to be viewed by professional ultra-high net worth investors.
How Does it work?
Pre-screened Qualified Opportunity Funds will be listed on the platform based on a number of specific investment criteria. Family offices list their investment and geographic preferences and will then be matched with Qualified Opportunity Funds that meet their predefined investment filter. If a match is made, the family office will reach out directly to the Qualified Opportunity Fund for further investment consideration.
What are the benefits of the Opportunity Fund map function?
In addition to receiving email alerts of new Opportunity Fund deals, investors can simply search in map view for deals that match their investment niche and geography.
Can Qualified Opportunity Funds Reach out Directly to Family Offices?
No. Family offices prefer an outbound approach to sourcing deals and will contact funds that match their investment criteria. We do offer options for formal introductions as well as networking events to help build investment relationships.
What are the benefits of heat mapping?
Use the heat mapping tool to track the amount of investment capital flowing into a specific Opportunity Zone community. The heat map can be used to determine the concentration of capital flowing into an Opportunity Zone and provide investors with confidence in the deals associated with that community.
What is the ROC 500 OZ Index?
Rocco Forino Capital has ranked the top 500 Opportunity Zone communities across the United States. Our research is based on thousands of data points that has uncovered the Opportunity Zones with the greatest potential for positive economic growth.

Qualified Opportunity Fund Questions

How much does it cost to join the Rocco Forino Capital Deal Flow Network?
For monthly and yearly pricing options please click here.
Why list your Qualified Opportunity fund on the RFC platform?
The RFC Opportunity Fund platform consists of over 1,000 single family and multi-family office investors with collective assets under management of over $1 Trillion dollars, with at least $20 million minimum assets under management. Family offices are the preferred investment vehicle of high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals and families. The platform is relied upon by certified single family and multi-family offices who seek
consistent and high-quality Opportunity Fund deal flow.
What are the benefits of the Platform?
Close investment deals faster! Opportunity funds that make the cut, will get their funds’ assets listed to our Opportunity Zone platform. This allows investors and family offices (in map view) to quickly search the map and discover Certified Opportunity Funds that match their investment filter. in addition, investors will receive an email when an Opportunity Fund matches their investment criteria and will contact the Fund directly.
How can we request our Qualified Opportunity Fund to be listed on the platform?
To request an invitation, the Opportunity Funds must demonstrate sufficient experience in their investment niche and the Qualified Opportunity Fund must be hyper-local to the investment’s Opportunity Zone.
What is the benefit of the Rocco Forino Capital OZ Fund Badge?
The benefit of the OZ fund badge will designate to your audience that your fund was among a select group to become part of the RFC deal flow network platform. Please display your RFC badge on your website and digital marketing materials.
What are the benefits of the Opportunity Fund map function?
In addition to receiving email alerts of new Opportunity Fund deals, investors can search in map view for deals that match their investment niche and geography.
What are the benefits of heat mapping?
Use the heat mapping tool to track the amount of investment capital flowing into a specific Opportunity Zone community. The heat map can be used to market your Fund, and provide confidence to investors and family offices that the investment is taking place in an up trending community.
What is the ROC 500 OZ Index?
Rocco Forino Capital has ranked the top 500 Opportunity Zone communities across the United States. Our research is based on thousands of data points that has uncovered the Opportunity Zones with the greatest potential for positive economic growth. If your Opportunity Fund has chosen to invest in one of these communities our ranking can be used as a marketing tool to attract investors to add an additional layer of confidence in your investment deal.

Opportunity Zone Community Questions

How would a membership to the deal flow platform benefit our OZ community?
There are 8,763 designated OZ communities throughout the United States, all competing for limited investment dollars. The first OZ communities that take advantage of our mapping and analytical tools can use the data in their marketing material and position their community directly in front of family offices and wealth managers seeking to invest in Opportunity Zone communities.
We are not quite sure what to include in our marketing materials or how to promote our Opportunity Zone community?
Rocco Forino wrote a comprehensive book that explains in detail how to position and market your Opportunity Zone community to attract key investors and stakeholders to the community. For a copy of the book click here.
Why should my OZ community create a highlight video for the RFC deal flow network?
Communities that create a highlight video of their designated OZ location’s best features and assets provides investors, entrepreneurs, and developers with a more intimate vision of the community far beyond what data and statistics can ever communicate. For more information on this service click here.
What can my community do to get ranked on the Roc 500 OZ Index?
OZ communities can verify that the data we collected is current and accurate. OZ communities can provide additional non-public information that would make the OZ community desirable to investors, developers, OZ Funds and entrepreneurs.
For example: a local accelerator, an experienced investor network that actively invests, a skilled millennial workforce, proximity to a university campus or access to land that has large mineral or oil rights are all assets that would position the OZ community for a potentially successful ranking.

    Opportunity Zone Business Questions

I own a business within a designated Opportunity Zone, are businesses eligible to receive investments or is the program only designated for real estate investments?
Businesses are eligible for investments, as long as the business and business property are located inside the designated Opportunity Zone. Businesses are also eligible to receive investments should it relocate inside a designated Opportunity Zone. There are some restrictions, but should be clarified by early April of 2019.
We are not quite sure how to promote our Opportunity Zone business to potential investors?
Rocco Forino wrote a book that explains in detail how to position and market your Opportunity Zone business to potential investors seeking to invest in OZ businesses. For a copy of the book click here.
Why list your business on the RFC deal flow network?
Gain exposure to thousands of professional investors and Qualified Opportunity Funds seeking to invest in both startup and operating businesses located within designated opportunity Zones.
I am a real estate agent or real estate developer, can I list my properties on the RFC deal Flow network?
Absolutely. Qualified Opportunity Funds and professional investors are on the constant look out to invest in or purchase real estate properties located in designated Opportunity Zones.
I am a startup with a single location, is there a reduced membership option?
Yes. If your startup or operating business is located inside a designated Opportunity Zone and you are under 30 years old, you will be allowed one listing and gain full access to the platform and all our services for a reduced membership.
How much does it cost to join the Rocco Forino Capital Deal Flow Network?
For monthly and yearly pricing options please click here.