About the Opportunity Zone Mapping Tool
Below is the official Opportunity Zone map that were nominated by the governors of every U.S. state and territory as well as the Mayor of Washington, D.C. Each territory was then certified by the Treasury Secretary of the United States.
All designated Opportunity Zones are highlighted in the green color below. To find an opportunity zone near you:
- Click on the Map below
- In the top right enter the desired city and state
- To zoom to the street level click the Zoom button on the top left
- To screen capture the location: Click: command, shift 4 (all at once)
- Drag the curser over the area and it will copy the area to your desktop

Over the past three decades the economic boom cycles have only benefited a handful of U.S. cities while bypassing the many (8,400) distressed communities also know as Opportunity Zones. With a new provision of the tax code, investors willing to invest in distressed communities will get a series of tax incentives tied to a long term investment strategy. If these incentives are successful, it will help jumpstart the next industrial revolution in the United States’ most left out communities.

How Opportunity Zones Were Selected
Congress called on the governors of every state and territory to nominate up to a quarter of the low-income communities (LICs) in their jurisdictions as distressed communities or Opportunity Zones. The challenge was for governors to identify communities with immediate need, but also the capacity to attract and compound new investments—communities where an incentive for private capital could catalyze a broader economic turnaround with the right local strategies.

Next steps: Turning Distressed Communities into Economic Hubs
The United States Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service must issue more clarity and guidance to investors. State and local leaders must develop strategies and marketing plans to attract investors in this newly created asset class called Opportunity Zones. Now that the government has passed the Opportunity Zone legislation to benefit the most distressed American communities in its history, the question is how can we successfully coordinate the massive amount of capital it will take to deploy into these communities.
State and local communities should work side by side with investors, fund managers, entrepreneurs, institutions, real estate developers, philanthropies and community stakeholders to build Opportunity Zone investments into emerging business ecosystems.
Rocco Forino Capital is a value investing company de-risking investments in Opportunity Zones by educating investors, stakeholders and communities through our research, data analysis, investor relations tools, conferences, podcasts, videos and certification programs.
Rocco Forino is the Managing Partner of Rocco Forino Capital, a value investing company de-risking investments in Opportunity Zones and OZ Funds by educating investors, stakeholders and communities through our research, data analysis, investor relations tools, conferences, podcasts, videos, certification programs and Opportunity Fund deal syndication.
Since Opportunity Zones (Oz’s) are distressed communities and RFC specializes in the valuation of distressed assets, we are well-positioned to evaluate communities, real estate and businesses based on their ability to transition from being distressed to becoming the next thriving economic hub.
For more information about investing in Opportunity Funds click on the button below.
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